Food Collection - Operation Isaiah

Help our community fulfill the mitzvah of ma’akhel re’evim, feeding the hungry, by bringing to TBS non-perishable kosher food items and household products to be donated to the Betsy and Peter Fischer Food Pantries of JFCS.  

Items will be collected at TBS on Kol Nidre, Friday, October 11


Shelf Stable Milk | Hot and Cold Cereal | Pancake Mix | Oatmeal | Canned Tomato Products | Canned Fish | Peanut Butter | Jelly | Rice | Pasta | Macaroni and Cheese | Canned Fruits and Vegetables | Kosher Soups | Juice| Snacks| Baby Formula | Diapers | Toiletries | Paper Towels | Toilet Paper | Cleaning Products

Download Food Collection Flyer