Rabbi Micah Peltz

Rabbi Micah Peltz came to Temple Beth Sholom in 2007 and became Senior Rabbi in 2014. He holds a B.A. from the University of Michigan, and also studied at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was ordained in May 2007 at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he also received a Master’s in Jewish Education from the William Davidson School of Education.

Rabbi Peltz is a member of the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, where he co-chairs the Personal Status Subcommittee. His teshuvot for CJLS include The Ethics of COVID-19 Vaccination, Discarding Large Quantities of Holy Books, When Should a Person Come off the Communal Prayer List?, and a co-authored dissenting opinion on eating kitniyot on Passover. Rabbi Peltz is a member of the Rowen School of Osteopathic Medicine Community Advisory Board and the Samaritan Healthcare & Hospice Sukkat Shalom Jewish Advisory Committee. He is a past member of the Rabbinic Cabinet of the Masorti Movement, the board of Camp Ramah in the Poconos, and the New Jersey State Commission on Holocaust Education. Rabbi Peltz has served as President of both the Tri-County Board of Rabbis and the Philadelphia Region of the Rabbinical Assembly. He was a regular contributor to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz’s Rabbis' Roundtable and has published in the journal Conservative Judaism. Rabbi Peltz was also voted one of America’s Real Top Rabbis in 2012 on the website www.myjewishlearning.com.

Rabbi Peltz grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota. From a young age, he enjoyed being active in the Jewish community. He was president of Emtza Region USY, Chair of the Governing Board at the University of Michigan Hillel, and spent 11 summers at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin as a camper, counselor, and Rosh Edah. While a student at JTS, he received the Crown Fellowship and interned at Rutgers University Hillel, Temple Beth Sholom in Roslyn, NY, and the Park Avenue Synagogue. He also spent a summer as a chaplain at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan. Additionally, Rabbi Peltz received the Lamport Homiletics Prize at graduation.

Rabbi Peltz is married to Rachel Zivic, the Head of School at Kellman Brown Academy, a Jewish Day School in Voorhees, NJ. They have three children, Yael, Ari, and Ilan. True to his roots, he is still an avid Minnesota and University of Michigan sports fan.