Celebrating the High Holy Days at Temple Beth Sholom

2024 | 5785


To view or download complete schedule, click here

All services take place in the Main Sanctuary unless otherwise noted.

Saturday, September 28 at Beth El
6:35pm - Minha/Ma’ariv (NOTE: at Temple Beth Sholom)
8pm - Refreshments
9:15pm - Havdallah and Selihot service with the choirs and clergy of Beth El and Temple Beth Sholom

Erev Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday, October 2
6:15pm - Minha and Ma’ariv
6:21pm - Candle lighting

Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Thursday, October 3
8:30am - Preliminary Service
8:45am - Shaharit
9:30am - Torah Service
10:30am -Shofar Service & President’s Message
11:30am - Sermon and Musaf
5pm - Tashlikh followed by Dinner
6:30pm - Minha and Ma’ariv

Rosh Hashanah Day 2
Friday, October 4
8:30am - Preliminary Service
8:45am - Shaharit
9:30am - Torah Service
10:30am - Shofar Service and Sermon
11:30am - Musaf
6:15pm - Minha & Ma’ariv for Shabbat

Shabbat Shuvah
Saturday, October 5
9:30am - Shabbat Morning Service
6:25pm - Minha and Ma’ariv

First Day of Rosh Hashanah
Thursday, October 3
9:30am - ECEC-age Family Service for families with children up to age 6

11am - Religious School-age Family Service for families with children in Grades K-6

Second Day of Rosh Hashanah
Friday, October 4
9:30am - ECEC-age Family Service for families with children up to age 6

11am - Religious School-age Family Service for families with children in Grades K-6

Erev Yom Kippur
Friday, October 11
5:30pm - ECEC-age PJ Kol Nidre Family Service for families with children up to age 6

6:30pm - Religious School-age Service for students in Grades 2-6

Yom Kippur
Saturday, October 12
9:30am - ECEC-age Family Service for families with children up to age 6
11am - Religious School-age Family Service for families with children in Grades K-6


To register for Family and Youth High Holy Day Services, click here

HAMAKOM High School Schedule

Click the link below for a full overview of HaMakom 7-12 Grade High Holy Day Teen Experiences.

Childcare is available on Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, October 3; Friday, October 4; and Yom Kippur, Saturday, October 12.



  • Your gift of tzedakah will help us continue to stay connected, learn, and thrive in all that we do at TBS. I invite those of you who have not yet contributed to this year’s Appeal to join your fellow congregants in the list below. Together, we will build our legacy and ensure the strength and vitality of our kehillah kedoshah for many years to come.  Your contribution is important. Click here to learn more

  • Mahzor Lev Shalem


  • Rosh Hashanah Day 2 at 9:30am
    Click here for more information

  • Blessings before and after meals during the High Holy Days

    Click here to view

  • Coming Soon

  • Help our community fulfill the mitzvah of ma’akhel re’evim, feeding the hungry, by bringing to TBS non-perishable kosher food items and household products to be donated to the Betsy and Peter Fischer Food Pantries of JFCS

    Click here to view

  • Childcare is available on Rosh Hashanah, Thursday, October 3; Friday, October 4; and Yom Kippur, Saturday, October 12.

    Register here